Adidas gay pride shirt

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The Coach Foundation is continuing its year-round donations to the Hetrick-Martin Institute and the Point Foundation, two organizations dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ youth. Be sure to check back, because we’ll be updating all month long with brands launching Pride initiatives. So whether you’re searching for a look to wear to your local Pride march, or hitting the beaches of Fire Island, why not shop with purpose? Below, GRAZIA USA rounded up the brands that are doing the work in supporting the LGBTQ+ communities. Others are bringing the community together, like Coach, which kicked off Pride by not only releasing a Pride-themed collection (with proceeds supporting the Hetrick-Martin Institute, the Point Foundation, and CenterLink Community through The Coach Foundation), but also threw a bash at the iconic West Village institution The Monster, to celebrate the power of allyship in a place where everyone can be their authentic selves.

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Some are making hefty donations to LGBTQ+ organizations, like COS and Levi’s. But which are going beyond rainbow-stylized collections and stepping up to fully support the community? We’re rounding up fashion brands giving back to important causes in significant ways.

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Pride month is here and like years’ past, brands are showing their support and allyship to the LGBTQ+ community.

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